The Paratransit Services Way

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The "Paratransit Services Way" has developed naturally through our many years in the business of providing transportation safely, courteously, and on time. It encompasses four main themes:
Full Corporate Support - All of our satellite offices receive a full menu of support services from our Corporate Staff in Bremerton, Washington.
Uniformly Applied Service Standards - Our management team uses technical as well as interpersonal strategies to ensure that our offices in Washington, Oregon and California all meet the same high standards of quality.
Excellence Begins With Our People - The services we provide require that we do the very best job we can every day. We hire people who appreciate the value of community service, and let them know they are appreciated.
Commitment To The Community - Our local staff attend transit advisory meetings, participate in community groups, and often volunteer their time to provide transportation to special local events.
Put them all together and you have a transportation management system that delivers great service to our customers. That’s the Paratransit Services Way!